Hey, everyone!
Alex is back from summer vacation and is working on the translation for the back cover, the inside headers, etc.
I daily await my InDesign Dummies book, as I am eager to brush up on my old skills. It can't be very hard; it's just that I did a brain dump in 2013, never guessing I would need the skills five years later.
Can't find the original InDesign disk, either, so here's hoping I never get a corrupted program!
I am working hard at completing my paperwork for the shipyard, looking for temporary work while I wait, and so on. The days are wide open, and I should have time for everything. If the weather would just cool down a bit, I might get more done!
This is one of the things I do when I am not working on, or playing with, Battletech:
Life counters and Trackers for Magic, The Gathering.
Thanks for stopping by!
Steven, this is Stan.
Google has locked me out of all things google, my blog, my email account.
I can't even leave a comment on my own blog explaining my situation.
I do hope you are reading your comments, because I would appreciate it if you would leave a comment on my place explaining what happened to me.
Either I'll be back, or I'll start over. I hate to lose all the ten years of stuff there.
I posted as you instructed, but fear that you must clear the comment before it will appear on your blog. Bastards. Looks like their usual tactic of 'shut up' at work again. Hopefully it will clear in a few days. Weird that it took ten years to get their attention, but I already know what the SOBs are like. Set up a new email at Yahoo if you can.
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