Howdy. Thanks for being patient while I update.
- Lee Madison’s BARS is cancelled. He dropped out of sight too long, too often. I am scrapping the work he sent and am sending the commission on to Stephen Huda, who will also be working the Harbinger.
- Karl Olson is working on the Hessian hovercraft.
- We still owe Paul $40, Stephen $30 and Dave Dryburgh $70. I am nearly done paying for Momma’s dental work, so they will see some money soon. I also have some other bills related to the TRO – mostly a debt for $100 for 3D CAD work done on miniatures that, unfortunately, we cannot use at the current time.
- Bill and I have not been able to get together for the layout this month. Bill has a ton of yardwork he is trying to get done before the weather turns to absolute crap. I have been doing little things around the house – new doorbell, leak in the roof, cracked door frame – that take up time and money. We are going to try to get together for that last push with the data entry this weekend.
- The writeups for the Hessian, Harbinger, Heirax and Claymore are done, and Paul is working his editing magic on them as I write this. The Claymore art is complete, the Hessian nearly so, the Heirax is already in the bag and I sent the Harbinger stats on to Stephen this evening.
- We have a list of Errata that will address the issues you readers found in the Prototypes. I may relent and release the ‘final’ Prototype to everyone, as I have had very few people volunteer for the job of proofreading.
- Stephen Huda took over and competed the FWL Jaguar commission for Mike Sullivan, who was too busy to finish his version.
Doing My Part... Part IV
Sold some more stuff on Ebay:
- A pair of special lands for Magic: the Gathering.
- A foil Dark Depths.
- A Mana Crypt.
- Had some trouble getting those two playsets of Natural Order to Italy. Never again!
Sad Demise
Some of you know I smoke cigars and drink strong coffee while working on the TRO. This has been an institution for the past four years. Unfortunately, the last tobacconist’s shop in the area closed on last Friday night forever. I will have to find another source, probably online, for good smokes.

Don’t hesitate to hit my PayPal button for whatever you can afford. The art is nearly done.
Thanks for stopping by.
- Lee Madison’s BARS is cancelled. He dropped out of sight too long, too often. I am scrapping the work he sent and am sending the commission on to Stephen Huda, who will also be working the Harbinger.
- Karl Olson is working on the Hessian hovercraft.
- We still owe Paul $40, Stephen $30 and Dave Dryburgh $70. I am nearly done paying for Momma’s dental work, so they will see some money soon. I also have some other bills related to the TRO – mostly a debt for $100 for 3D CAD work done on miniatures that, unfortunately, we cannot use at the current time.
- Bill and I have not been able to get together for the layout this month. Bill has a ton of yardwork he is trying to get done before the weather turns to absolute crap. I have been doing little things around the house – new doorbell, leak in the roof, cracked door frame – that take up time and money. We are going to try to get together for that last push with the data entry this weekend.
- The writeups for the Hessian, Harbinger, Heirax and Claymore are done, and Paul is working his editing magic on them as I write this. The Claymore art is complete, the Hessian nearly so, the Heirax is already in the bag and I sent the Harbinger stats on to Stephen this evening.
- We have a list of Errata that will address the issues you readers found in the Prototypes. I may relent and release the ‘final’ Prototype to everyone, as I have had very few people volunteer for the job of proofreading.
- Stephen Huda took over and competed the FWL Jaguar commission for Mike Sullivan, who was too busy to finish his version.
Doing My Part... Part IV
Sold some more stuff on Ebay:
- A pair of special lands for Magic: the Gathering.
- A foil Dark Depths.
- A Mana Crypt.
- Had some trouble getting those two playsets of Natural Order to Italy. Never again!
Sad Demise
Some of you know I smoke cigars and drink strong coffee while working on the TRO. This has been an institution for the past four years. Unfortunately, the last tobacconist’s shop in the area closed on last Friday night forever. I will have to find another source, probably online, for good smokes.
[Please click on the image for a full-size reading]

Don’t hesitate to hit my PayPal button for whatever you can afford. The art is nearly done.
Thanks for stopping by.
I can proof read for you. And you are doing a great job!!!
your project is awesome, too bad i cant help you with money. there something else you need to do, like record sheets, heavy metal files or quick strike cards?
Just to let you know, I have given you this year's Meritorious Member award over at BTU for your work putting out this TRO. The time, money and effort you have spent enriching the Classic BattleTech community should not go without notice....even if it is only and electronic ribbon :) It shows that you are getting the recognition you deserve from part of your CBT "family".
@thcircus: Thanks for the nod! Some of my ribbons don't even show up on the list anymore, but it has been a while since the place was fully populated and Odysseus is long gone. I appreciate your vote of confidence - let's hope we can make progress on the layout this month!
@ciao: sorry, there is nothing left but to finish some final art and drop everything into the layout. Be sure to download the final Prototype and proofread it, though.
@thecircus: we decided to go public with the final Prototype after all. It will speed up the error-spotting. have been busy :)! I have not been to your blog in a while, I am thinking it has been about a year... I just kind of forgot about the TRO 3063 project (drops head in shame), can you ever forgive me :)?
I am reading the current 5th version you put out, this looks good, no GREAT! The writing is absolutely top notch,
For the CN9-S Centurion, who came up with the idea for 'Future ‘Mechs'???? That just has me cracking up... Any other Easter eggs in here? Or do I have to read the whole darn thing (and most likely miss a few)? Is Caleb McConnaught a play on a real person?
I recall someone commenting somewhere that BT does not have James Bond. They don't, they have Gunther Wulfschild. See the Fafnir writeup. Some memes are forever.
And why does Caleb surprise you? You think they won't be recycling Gilligan's Island in the 31st century?
You can do your pennance by dropping $25 in the collection pla... I mean, the PayPal button. We are almost there. comes down to a four-mile two-man break, a wheel to wheel sprint, and a photo finish, and $25 :)...
Do I also have to print off the whole prototype PDF, while saying 'we're not worthy'.
reruns are forever.... I think I do not get my Gilligan's Island references...
@Doug: No. But you do have to read my fanfic. Pick one of three stories - I won't make you read 'Traffic'.
Then... tell me 'what you really think' of it. :D
...where do I find your fanfic?
@Doug: Actually, send me your email addy (to ssatak AT yahoo dot com) and I will send you 'Orbit'. Dorian just read it and didn't break out in hives, so it's safe to read. Actually, I am not sure it has any BattleMechs in it).
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