Art by Stephen Huda and James Lafferty
The project is done and on the launchpad. It is a huge old beast - as mentioned in a past blog post, we have the high-rez Record Sheets clocking in at about 550mb.
That, dear friends, is unsat. It takes too long to download, for one thing. And I want this to be easy to get, to pass around.
We are currently working on reducing the file size while maintaining the hi-rez printouts. So far things are going pretty good. The largest file I have seen thus far - with everything basically in place - is about 13mb.
That's right, about 2% of the original size. Bad Syntax is doing a stellar job. But it isn't done yet.
I just received a donation that paid off the last bit of art - as you can see above. Stephen Huda worked off a design originally done by James Lafferty.
Some New Features...
While compressing it, we have incorporated new features into the Record Sheets and the Master Unit List.
- We are including BattleForce values.
- We are including the cost of the machine in C-Bills.
- We are including a side bar with hypertext - zip down the side and click on the unit you want and presto! the sheet pops up right in front of you. No more Table of Contents needed!
We are working hard to get this stuff ready for launch! Nothing is holding it back - we are working in the time I set aside for de-bugging and proofreading. So far, we are on schedule. Hey, there is a first time for everything.
Thanks for stopping by